Beat the Bloat of Intestinal Disorders With Natural Digestive Enzymes

7 minute read

Gas is a normal byproduct of the digestive process but it can get out of hand. Excess gas production can cause bloating, discomfort and embarrassment. The extra gas usually comes from food that has not been properly digested or absorbed.

As that undigested food sits in the intestines waiting for expulsion, it ferments and gives off gas. The undigested food can also feed any unhealthy bacteria in the gut, which will produce even more gas, as well as supporting the unhealthy bacteria, potentially causing them to take over your gut.

Digestive disorders like Crohnā€™s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as well as conditions like diarrhea and constipation are all common causes of gas and bloating. Inadequate water intake can also contribute to excess gas production since it is an essential element for healthy digestion.

Any slowdown of the digestive system is stressful to the body, increasing gas and uncomfortable bloating. The good news is that there is a solution; and it is closer than you think.

Your Diet and Gas

Bloating can be caused by what you consume, as well as by digestive disorders. Allergies to foods, lactose intolerance, gas-producing foods, and some supplements can all contribute to gas production. Ā 

Many health regimens call for a reduction in fatty foods and an increase in fiber. However, unprocessed fiber gives off gas. You need to increase fiber intake gradually so that your intestinal bacteria can adjust to the additional amount. Ā 

Eating your food too quickly contributes to bloating, as does eating a food you do not enjoy. When we enjoy a food, we produce more saliva which kick starts the digestive process. This ensures that food is more properly digested.

If we do not like what we are eating, it will not get broken down properly. Make sure when you are dieting, you still eat foods that enjoy the taste of because otherwise you are not going to get the benefits you need.

Digestive Enzymes

Our ancestors used to eat a lot of fermented foods, which contain a nice assortment of friendly bacteria and enzymes that we need. With refrigeration and certain processes, we no longer eat these foods and so miss out on this rich supply.

Enzymes are catalysts that work within the body to get chemical processes going, specifically digestion. Without them, our food does not get properly digested and nutrients do not get absorbed. As mentioned before, undigested foods also cause excess gas and bloating.Ā Ā 

Since pathogenic bacteria love undigested food, the presence of enzymes in our diet becomes a necessity. Poor digestion is one of the largest strains placed on the body and most people do not produce enough enzymes to help correct this.

If you are not able to properly absorb much needed nutrients, a lack of enzymes is a really bad predicament for your body. Ā In fact, this is a precursor to the development of most chronic diseases.Ā 

Supporting Role of Probiotics

Like enzymes, your friendly gut flora needs to be maintained for health digestion. Probiotics, which balance gut flora, can work in tandem with digestive enzymes to relieve gas and bloating.

Our digestive tract contains over 85% good bacterial strains, which keep the bad ones in check. By preventing the bad bacteria from feeding on your food, less gas is produced. Additionally your food is better digested, so there is less waste left sitting in the intestines to ferment.

What Should You Be Taking

Digestive Enzymes: Choose a supplement that is natural and plant-based. Stay away from artificial colors or fillers. You want to be sure you get a dose of the three main digestive enzymes; amylase, protease and lipase. Ā Be aware that enzymes are not measured in milligrams, but potency instead. Any supplement listing milligrams is essentially useless.

Probiotics: Ideally you want to take a full spectrum probiotic supplement; one with at least seven different strains. Ā Make sure you confirm the use by date and always get a product that contains live cultures. You can also increase your food sources of probiotics like yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut.Ā Ā 

The Benefits Youā€™ll See

A lack of digestive enzymes can cause a number of symptoms throughout your body. Excess gas and bloating are a number one complaint. With supplemented enzymes, you will notice changes to your digestive system. Ā As your food is properly digested, the uncomfortable symptoms will start to disappear.

| Related: How Daily Digestive Enzymes Help Reverse GERD Damage |

Your body will be better able to absorb nutrients before they get a chance to produce any gases. Ā You can also expect to experience increased energy levels. Since the digestive process uses up a great deal of energy, the more streamlined it is, the more energy you have to spare. Ā 

The Downsides

While there are no known dangers to taking enzyme supplements, there are few drawbacks that should be addressed. When buying a supplement, be sure you get a natural variety and one that is high-quality with a lot of good reviews. Store brand versions tend to be lower quality, so it is important to remember that you will get what you pay for. Ā Ā 

| Related: The Importance of a Plant-Based Digestive Enzyme Supplement |

There has also been a problem of people becoming overly dependent on supplements when it comes to treating digestive health issues. When we take supplements for too long of a time, our body gets accustomed to producing lower amounts which ends up being very counterproductive for your health.

If you feel that you need digestive enzyme supplements, you should check with a physician about how long you should take them. You may only need them for a limited Ā period. Your gut will have the chance to heal from any damage and will be back to functioning normally without assistance.

The Bottom Line

Whether you get enzymes from foods like honey, certain tropical fruits, fermented foods or supplements, the benefits they provide are worthwhile. Your digestive processes will be more efficient and you will get all the nutrients your body needs, which will provide extra energy.

Combine your enzyme supplement with a good probiotic for overall health improvements. These small compounds pack a lot of power, keeping you safe from infections and improving your digestion so you will be gas-free.

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