Carotenes are plant pigments that provide bright coloring to fruits and vegetables, and they’re classified as phytonutrients. They help the plant to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis. They are also powerful antioxidants that are beneficial to health.

Different Types of Carotenes

There are over 600 types of carotenoids, and these are classified as either carotenes or xanthophylls. Carotenes are found in most fruits and vegetables. The most commonly consumed include carrots, yams, mangoes, watermelon, spinach, kale, tomatoes, and bell peppers. 

The human body is unable to manufacture these phytochemicals, so they must be acquired through food. They also need to be consumed with fat in order to be properly absorbed. Once in the bloodstream, carotenes promote antioxidant capacity to help reduce typical oxidative stress.

The most commonly known carotenes are alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. Both are transformed into vitamin A by the body

Alpha-carotene: Alpha-carotene is rare, and is usually combined with beta-carotene in supplements. It is also found in most of the same foods as beta-carotene. Once in the body, this carotene does not produce as much vitamin A as compared to other carotenes.

Beta-carotene: Beta-carotene produces more vitamin A than any other carotene. It is the most widely studied carotenoid and has been found to provide numerous health benefits.

a group of orangesMixed Carotenes and Eye Health

The eye has a high metabolic rate. It is higher than in most other parts of the body, which can affect the integrity of eye tissues. Both alpha- and beta-carotene can be converted to vitamin A once consumed. Both work to prevent typical oxidative cellular damage to support complete vision health. 

Carotenes can help protect the integrity of additional nutrients in and around the eye, helping to lower the occurrence of common age-related issues affecting eyesight.

Carotenes also help to absorb blue light, thus protecting your eye against the harsh effects. Exposure to blue light is one of the most common factors affecting eye health today. Blue light comes from the screen on your television, computers, and smartphones, as well as other forms of artificial lighting.

EVTene™ is a naturally derived mixed carotene source that consists of 30% alpha-carotenes, 65% beta-carotenes, and 5% other carotenes including gamma-carotene and lycopene, is clinically shown to help reduce long-term risk of age-related eye health deterioration.


Additional Benefits of Mixed Carotenes

Carotenes are powerful plant chemicals and in addition to protecting your vision, they can help support overall health in a few different ways.

Cogntive health: Carotenes help reduce typical oxidative stress to promote healthy brain cell function and cognitive health.

Immune health: Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for immune system health. Both alpha- and beta-carotenes turn into vitamin A, which supports immune cell activity to help defend against environmental threats.

Skin health: Vitamin A is also essential for skin health. When the body turns carotenes into vitamin A, it works to reduce occasional oxidative stress to promote skin health.

Taking Mixed Carotenes

Carotenes are considered safe to take in supplemental form. A balanced diet will provide plenty of carotenes, but in some cases, you may need additional support. Anyone looking to support long-term vision and get help with age-related eye issues can benefit from additional carotene found in supplements. Always follow the dose recommended on the label, and consult with your doctor before starting them. 

Side effects are rare, but in cases where large quantities of carotenes are consumed, skin coloring can occur. A high amount of beta-carotene, in particular, can cause the skin to develop a yellow hue. Always check with your doctor before adding any carotene supplement to your routine.

a pile of food

The Bottom Line

The more carotenes you get in your diet, the better you will be. Carotenes help support immune health, heart function, and promote healthy long-term vision. Consuming carotenes helps to reduce occasional oxidative stress to help lower the occurrence of common age-related issues affecting eyesight, so you can see the world through healthier eyes.